The attention economy: From cyber-time to cinematic time


  • Claudio Celis Bueno



Bernard Stiegler, originary technicity, temporality, information, capital


This article explores the temporal dimension of the attention economy through Bernard Stiegler’s notion of cinematic time. The attention economy is a concept forged within the field of political economy to explain the growing value of attention in an information-rich world. This implies a growing discrepancy between the finite nature of human time required to pay attention to and process the available information, and the inhuman speed at which that information flows and accumulates. The problem with this definition of the temporality of the attention economy is that it naturalizes a given notion of human time that is then used to evaluate the negative effects of information technologies. In this sense, human time is proposed as a concept devoid of any kind of historical transformation. Contrary to this definition of the temporality of the attention economy, this article uses Bernard Stiegler's concept of cinematic time to examine how human time and cyber-time mutually constitute each other.


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How to Cite

Celis Bueno, C. (2021). The attention economy: From cyber-time to cinematic time. Hipertextos, 8(14), 59–71.


