Of funnels, filters and compasses: Economy, technique and subjectivity in Spotify


  • Lucas Bazzara




Spotify, business model, ,algorithmic models, profile, personalization


In this paper we will do an in-depth analysis of Spotify, as it is the maximum reference among music streaming platforms, a fact that can be seen in its massive use and market position. This will not preclude giving a sufficiently comprehensive definition that refers to music streaming platforms in general, but such a definition will function as a starting point from which the most emblematic economic and cultural case will be examined in detail. In this way, and based on the articulation that operates in Spotify between economics, technique and subjectivity, the questions that will guide the development of the work will be: What is its business model, or what market logic does it put into play? What is its subjective model, or what type of ideal user or listener does it configure? And what computing technologies does it use to "unite the interests of industries and users"? As you will see, terms such as freemium, machine learning, recommendation system, profile and personalization will be key to unraveling this platform logic.


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How to Cite

Bazzara, L. (2021). Of funnels, filters and compasses: Economy, technique and subjectivity in Spotify. Hipertextos, 9(15), 47–82. https://doi.org/10.24215/23143924e028


