How to study Facebook?

Emotional contagion and discursive formations


  • Juan Camilo Gómez-Barrera



Facebook, discursive formations, emotional contagion, arqueology of knowledge, social networks


Due to the fact it is a relatively new and rapidly changing phenomenon, it is necessary to produce methodological tools and ways of understanding social networks. In consequence, this article shows how we can use the theoretical-methodological notion of discursive formations to analyze social discourses, in this case, a mode in how Facebook works. This notion, related to the archeology of the knowledge, allows us to understand social discourse because of discursive and statements. This theoretical-methodological support is exemplified in the case of emotional contact and its convergence with Facebook.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Barrera, J. C. (2021). How to study Facebook? Emotional contagion and discursive formations. Hipertextos, 9(15), 83–99.


