Mi netbook y yo: mediaciones socio culturales en pugna dentro del espacio escolar a partir de la implementación del Programa Conectar Igualdad


  • Ana Gabriela Llimós CEA, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNC


youth, ICT, School, socio-cultural mediations


In this article, we are interested in analyzing a series of practices and significances that young people develop with netbooks in the framework of the Conectar Igualdad Program. From an ethnographic approach we were able to recognize, in the daily school activities, how ICTs are appropriate for young people. In this sense, we will carry out an analysis of a series of practices that we observed in two public schools in the city of Córdoba. We recognize that these practices represent a complex cultural process that is marked by multiple mediations that are articulated by determining the cultural plot and the ways of seeing and consuming the subjects (Martín-Barbero, 1987). These matrices affect the processes of appropriation of technologies developed by the subjects articulating and tensing in that particular space of cultural production that is the school.


Author Biography

Ana Gabriela Llimós, CEA, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNC

Lic. en Comunicación Social. Docente e Investigadora de la UNC. Integrante del programa “Estudios del discurso y cultura contemporánea.” CEA, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNC.



How to Cite

Llimós, A. G. (2018). Mi netbook y yo: mediaciones socio culturales en pugna dentro del espacio escolar a partir de la implementación del Programa Conectar Igualdad. Hipertextos, 6(10), 185–200. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/hipertextos/article/view/6278


