Codificación del trabajo informático poiético y subjetividad laboral en el marco de la “computación en la nube” (California, EE.UU. 2014). Posibles implicaciones para el desarrollo en la Argentina reciente.


  • Martha Roldán CONICET


Poietic Labour, Labor Subjectivity, Cloud Computing


The theoretical-empirical concern about the nature of the articulation between labour, poiesis (creation), labor subjectivity and value under different relations of production is long-standing, although it shows advances and setbacks according to the cycle and phase of capitalism, its predominant technologies and organizational forms of work that constitute their context. Taking up Gorz's approach, this article addresses this concern through an empirical study of the organization of work in the information sector in the United States, discussing the link between the production of value of poietic work and the subjectivity of its workers forged in the labor process. It focuses on organizational forms that have as fundamental element the cloud computing - with the loss of control of information and creation that this entails - to observe the labor codes and the modifications of the control mechanisms on the material elements of the process and working time.



entails - to observe the labor codes and the modifications of the control mechanisms on the material elements of the process and working time


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Author Biography

Martha Roldán, CONICET

Abogada, Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Magíster en Sociología, Universidad de Michigan, Estados Unidos. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Leiden, Países Bajos. Investigadora Principal del CONICET. Profesora visitante de la Universidad de Stanford, Estados Unidos (1986-1987) y del Centro de Estudios de América Latina (CEDLA), Holanda (1988).



How to Cite

Martha Roldán. (2019). Codificación del trabajo informático poiético y subjetividad laboral en el marco de la “computación en la nube” (California, EE.UU. 2014). Posibles implicaciones para el desarrollo en la Argentina reciente. Hipertextos, 4(6), 84–123. Retrieved from


