Digital Publishing with Minimal Computing (UMD-USAL, 2020)

Our Experience as Students


  • Gabriel Alejandro Calarco IIBICRIT (CONICET)
  • Pamela Gionco CIyNE
  • Rocío Méndez Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • David Merino Recalde Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Gabriela Striker Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Cristian Suárez-Giraldo Universidad EAFIT



Digital Publishing, Minimal Computing, XMLTEI, GitLab, Jekyll


Our work shares the experience of the course Digital Publishing with Minimal Computing/ Ediciones digitales con minimal computing, which was taught in virtual modality by Raffaele Viglianti (University of Maryland) and Gimena del Rio Riande, Romina De León and Nidia Hernández (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) between September and December 2020. We are interested in ing the opportunities and difficulties that we perceived when working with the XML markup language and the standard developed by the Text Encoding Initiative to address our first digital edition of a text ‒especially, “A description of Buenos Aires”, contained in An account of a voyage up the River de la Plata, from Acarete du Biscay (17th century)‒ published in both English (1698) and Spanish (1867) and, at the same time, with open technologies such as GitLab and Jekyll to achieve its publication on a website. Undoubtedly, the collaborative methodology encourages us to undertake other tasks and projects of Digital Humanities.


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How to Cite

Calarco, G. A., Gionco , P. ., Méndez, R. ., Merino Recalde, D. ., Striker, G. ., & Suárez-Giraldo, C. (2021). Digital Publishing with Minimal Computing (UMD-USAL, 2020): Our Experience as Students. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 2, e022.