Distant Analysis in a Bilingual Corpus: The Case of Rosalía de Castro


  • Rocío Luciana Méndez Universidad de Buenos Aires




Rosalía de Castro, Voyant Tools, distant reading, bilingual corpus, Corpus Linguistics


Our proposal is to share our experience with Voyant Tools on the poetic work, both in Spanish and Galician, by Rosalía de Castro (1837-1885). This review was made for the Diplomatura en Humanidades Digitales (UCES) directed by Gimena del Rio Riande (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research). We are interested in developing a case study and user experience when working with language technologies, explaining the opportunities and difficulties that we perceived when working on a bilingual corpus, therefore the following work is a description of the tool in use where different variables will be analyzed with the different functions available in Voyant Tools. In conclusion, we seek to generate a first approach that benefits an approximation in distant analysis in a bilingual corpus.


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De Castro, R. (1857). La Flor. Imprenta de M. González. https://bit.ly/2UBHSCM

De Castro, R. (1863). A mi madre. Imprenta de J. Compañel. https://bit.ly/2TNMPZ0

De Castro, R. (1863). Cantares gallegos. Imprenta de J. Compañel. https://bit.ly/3jVxnVj

De Castro, R. (1880). Follas Novas. La propaganda Literaria. https://bit.ly/3AFRNrl

De Castro, R. (1884). En las orillas del Sar. Establecimiento Tipográfico de Ricardo Fe. https://bit.ly/2UyNDB7



How to Cite

Méndez, R. L. (2020). Distant Analysis in a Bilingual Corpus: The Case of Rosalía de Castro . Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 1, e007. https://doi.org/10.24215/27187470e007