The Big Reset of Knowledge and its Impact on Digital Humanities
GAFAM, Privacy, Big data, Digital Humanities, Geopolitics of knowledgeAbstract
This article describes the impact of GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft) on public education and, in general, analyzes the paradigm shift in the production of and access to digital knowledge. The COVID-19 pandemic favored the expansion of global oligopolies and the plataformization of processes and services: media, education, health, transport, food, etc. These phenomena generate important cultural homogenization effects and therefore constitute a threat to biocultural diversity and an obstacle to technological innovation. In this scenario it is necessary for the Digital Humanities to revive their critical role and combine its original hermeneutic and epistemological impulse with political awareness. In other words, it is time for DH to start defending and strengthening the cultural, linguistic and epistemic variation in the digital dimension.
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