Analysis of the 2024 budget of the Argentine National Universities in the mainstream media using Natural Language Processing




information retrieval, analysis-content , natural language, text


In Natural Language Processing, sentiment analysis can be applied in fields such as public policies and reputation management, customer or user perception, and detection of trends in social networks. This article explores the Streamlit tool, a Python library for the analysis of the budgetary situation of the National Universities in Argentina in 2024 according to the four most far-reaching media to visualize how in their arguments they manifest a certain ideological profile. The question of subjectivity versus objectivity continues to be an important theoretical, political, and social issue in the Human Sciences; particularly in the face of the ideological schism of recent decades globally and mainly in our country. The results show polarity in the arguments, low objectivity, and high subjectivity in the version of events that the media expresses.


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Gráfico de barras comparativo de polaridad, objetividad, subjetividad



How to Cite

Navarro, G. (2024). Analysis of the 2024 budget of the Argentine National Universities in the mainstream media using Natural Language Processing. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 5, e059.