Digital Tools in High School: Classroom Experiences from Digital Humanities




Digital Humanities, Voyant Tools, Orbis, H5P, Moodle, teaching/learning, high school


This paper presents a brief collection of experiences developed with digital tools in the context of Digital Humanities within High School’s Philosophy and History of Philosophy courses. The aim is to demonstrate that at this educational level, it is possible to successfully engage in distant reading, create interactive maps and timelines, among other activities, thereby fostering early awareness of what new technologies are contributing to the Humanities in terms of tools and methodologies. The paper also advocates for the search within the educational system for spaces dedicated to Digital Humanities as a meeting point between the humanities and technology, spaces that help to dismantle the barrier that separates the sciences and the arts—a barrier that only exists in the minds of a portion of society, though it is likely a majority.



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Viaje a Siracusa



How to Cite

Eceiza Gutiérrez, J. (2024). Digital Tools in High School: Classroom Experiences from Digital Humanities. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 5, e058.