Geographical distribution of high blood pressure in its relationship with excess weight in children living in the productive belt of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
high blood pressure, schoolchildren, overweigth, obesity, urbanizationAbstract
The present work aims to analyze in schoolchildren living in the productive belt of La Plata: a) the relationship between high blood pressure (HBP) and excess weight (EW), and b) the geographical distribution of that relationship. During the 2015-2017 school years, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), weight (kg), and height (cm) of 2,268 schoolchildren, from 6 to 12 years old, residing in different communities in the peri-urban area of La Plata were surveyed. The cases of HBP and EW were determined. Information on the socio-environmental conditions of residence was obtained through a structured survey. The prevalence of HBP and EW, and the frequencies of environmental conditions were calculated and compared using Chi square tests (X2). Furthermore, the incidence of EW on HBP was analyzed using logistic regression. The results indicated that 44.9% of the schoolchildren presented EW and 19.4% HBP. The Multiple comparisons of HPB among community centers made it possible to differentiate two regions: a northern region (NR), with the lowest prevalence of HBP and EW, and a southern region (SR), with the highest prevalence. The variables of the residence environment were significantly different between both regions and the incidence of EW on HBP was higher in the SR. It is concluded that the productive belt of La Plata presents a worrying reality in relation to children’s health. The analysis from the urbanization process shows that the NR is less urbanized, while the SR is more urbanized and registers higher prevalence rates of HBP with a higher incidence of EW over the occurrence of HBP.
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