Reference percentiles of frame index in girls and boys (4-14 years old). A cross-sectional anthropometric study in three Argentine provinces
elbow breadth, height, skeletal robustness, LMS method, ArgentinaAbstract
Elbow breadth relative to height is recognized as an adequate index of skeletal robustness (frame index -FI). The objective of this paper is to estimate and describe reference percentile values of frame index in girls and boys, aged 4 to 14 years, from three Argentine provinces. The sample included 7883 schoolchildren (3913 males and 3970 females) from the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut and Mendoza. Anthropometric measurements of elbow breadth (mm) and height (cm) were made between 2014 and 2018 following standardized protocols. From these variables, FI [(elbow breadth / height)*100] was estimated and the percentiles by age and sex were calculated using the LMS method. FI values were higher at the age of 4 years, while after that age the percentile values showed a downward behavior, until reaching the lowest value at age 14. The comparison between sexes indicated higher values in males than in females at all ages and in the different percentile curves. The tabulated and graphed values of FI can be considered a local reference and used in epidemiological and anthropological studies for inferring bone structure of girls and boys, and in the monitoring of hidden obesity in individuals with normal body mass index.
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