Mixed bones: presence of subadult human remains in an archaeofaunal assemblage in a prehistoric site in Eastern Uruguay


  • Federica Moreno
  • Gonzalo Figueiro
  • Mónica Sans


We present the analysis of subadult human remains recovered in the archaeofaunal assemblage of the site CH2D01-A. Located in the wetland of San Miguel (Rocha, Uruguay), this mound site is dated between 2090 ±90 and 220±50 years BP, and presents 17 human burials which were excavated. Later, 514 human remains were found in the faunal assemblage, 50 of which correspond to subadult individuals. These remains were integrated to the mortuary record of the site through the analysis of anatomical and taphonomic parameters, as well as using locational data. Twenty-two of the remains were assigned to the 2 previously defined child burials, and 28 were identified as belonging to 4 new individuals, with ages estimated from 2 to 16 years old. With this analysis, the minimum number of individuals represented increases to 21, as the number of subadults goes from 2 to 6, considerably expanding the subadult record of the site, which has a remarkably low frequency despite the relatively good preservation of the osteological remains. We emphasize the importance of a joint analysis of the bioarchaeological and archaeofaunal records as a means of improving the control of taphonomical factors related to record formation processes and methodological issues.

KEY WORDS archaeofauna; bioarchaeology; taphonomy

 doi: 10.17139/raab.2014.0016.02.01


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How to Cite

Moreno, F., Figueiro, G., & Sans, M. (2014). Mixed bones: presence of subadult human remains in an archaeofaunal assemblage in a prehistoric site in Eastern Uruguay. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 16(2), 65–78. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/raab/article/view/772



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