Evaluation of dental metrics for sexual estimation in human remains from southeastern Pampa and northeastern Patagonia


  • Gustavo Flensborg INCUAPA-CONICET-UNICEN, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNICEN, Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Grupo de Investigación en Bioarqueología.
  • Leandro Luna IMHICIHU-CONICET, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Grupo de Investigación en Bioarqueología.




sex, method, hunter-gatherers, Pampa-Patagonia, late holocene


The objective of this work was to test a method based on dental metrics to estimate sex from the measurement of the buccolingual maximum neck diameters of the upper canines and both second permanent molars, and to discuss its application on huntergatherer mortuary contexts of the Late Holocene, corresponding to the lower course of the Colorado river, the middle course of the Negro river, the region of San Blas-Isla Gama and the Interserrana area. From a total of 41 individuals, whose sex information had been obtained through conventional osteological procedures, it was possible to estimate sex from dental metrics for 87.8 % (36 individuals). In 83.3 % of cases, the inferred sex coincides with previously known information. The measurements obtained firstly for the upper canine and secondly for the second upper molar offer high reliability regarding sex estimation, while the percentages of cases correctly estimated for the second lower molar are relatively lower. The method can be usefully applied on pre-Hispanic individuals from the eastern Pampa-Patagonia transition and northeastern Patagonia, and to a lesser extent, on those recovered in the Interserrana area from the Pampas region. The importance of testing this method prior to its application in bioarchaeological remains from other neighboring regions is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Flensborg, G., & Luna, L. (2021). Evaluation of dental metrics for sexual estimation in human remains from southeastern Pampa and northeastern Patagonia. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 23(1), 027. https://doi.org/10.24215/18536387e027



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