Correlation between physiological and agronomic characteristics of tomatoes


  • Tiago Pedó
  • Letícia Barão Medeiros
  • Jessica Mengue Rolim
  • Márcio Peter
  • Lázaro Henrique dos Santos Pereira
  • Emanuela Garbin Martinazzo
  • Tiago Zanatta Aumonde
  • Carlos Rogério Mauch



Solanum lycopersicum, production systems, growth, chlorophyll, grafting


The present work aimed to analyze the correlation between growth variables and agronomic traits of tomato. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with eight replications. The treatments consisted of grafted and non-grafted tomato plants. At 112 days after transplantation, the plants were collected and separated into organs (fruits, leaves, stem and root) to be evaluated the number of leaves, number of fruits, leaf area, chlorophyll, efficiency in the conversion of solar energy, dry mass of fruits, commercial productivity, pH, total soluble solids, carotenoids and phenolic compounds. Grafted plants showed higher levels of chlorophyll. For the variables related to the correlations, strong correlations were found between the leaf area, the chlorophyll content and the dry mass of fruits and total. While, the levels of carotenoids and total phenols correlated positively with the leaf area and chlorophyll content.


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How to Cite

Pedó, T. ., Barão Medeiros, L. ., Mengue Rolim, J. ., Peter, M. ., dos Santos Pereira, L. H. ., Garbin Martinazzo, E. ., Zanatta Aumonde, T. ., & Rogério Mauch, C. . (2021). Correlation between physiological and agronomic characteristics of tomatoes. Journal of the Agronomy College, 120(1), 068.

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