Colorimetric pH exudate test to evaluate the quality of pea seeds (Pisum sativum) from the horticultural zone of Mar del Plata


  • Mónica L. Murcia Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias UNMdP
  • Verónica E. Crovo Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNMdP
  • Natalia L. Clemente Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNMdP


pea, seed quality, pH analysis of exudates, Mar del Plata-Buenos Aires


The aim of this work was to verify the usefulness of the colorimetric test of pH to determine the quality of 5 lots of pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) se trabajó con 5 lotes utilizados en la zona hortícola de Mar del Plata. La prueba de germinación estándar used in the horticultural area of Mar del Plata. The experimental unit was of 50 seeds with four replications. The standard germination (SG) test was carried out between papers, and was incubated at 23°C. Normal seedlings, abnormal and seeds dead were counted at eight days. The field trial was conducted according to a complete randomized block design, emergence was recorded at 28 days (E). For the colorimetric test, seeds were placed in individual cells with 3 ml of distilled water, incubated for 30 minutes at 23 ° C, four drops of fenolftalein - Na2CO3 were added and the colour in each cell was observed. Strong pink colour corresponded to viable seed, pink and colourless to non-viable seeds. Each seed was placed in individual cells in sand to determine viability. The percentages of SG, pH and field energence (E) were compared by analysis of variance and multiple comparisons. The results of the colorimetric test and viability of each seed were compared with Fisher's exact test (p <0.0001). The results of SG, pH and E showed the different quality of lots. In all cases, the colorimetric test showed coincident results with germination for each seed, according to the Fisher test. The results indicate that, if they require adjustments, this test is useful for rapid estimation of seed quality in an area in which it has not been tested.


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How to Cite

Murcia, M. L., Crovo, V. E., & Clemente, N. L. (2018). Colorimetric pH exudate test to evaluate the quality of pea seeds (Pisum sativum) from the horticultural zone of Mar del Plata. Journal of the Agronomy College, 117(1), 171–174. Retrieved from