Selection of dairy goats using milk recording and multivariate analysis in a family farming system


  • Florencia Frau Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
  • Florencia Salinas Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
  • Jorge Nelson Leguizamón Carate Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
  • Javier Togo Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
  • Nora Pece Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero



lactation curve, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Hierarchical Conglomerates, dairy control, milk production


Although dairy control is a widely used tool in herds with numerous animals (mainly cows), it is often neglected in small farms. The aim of the present work was to select the most suitable animals for milk production using dairy control and multivariate statistics. Results indicate a great dispersion of the data as a consequence of milk production variation from each goat. These results demonstrate the need to identify and select the most productive animals in order to have a selected and controlled flock. The analysis of hierarchical conglomerates showed that the herd can be divided into three groups: Cluster 1 is integrated by 31 goats with the highest productive parameters, above the herd average and together produce 59.1% of the accumulative milk yield; Cluster 2 consists of 24 animals whose production parameters are close to the current average of the herd and accumulates 27.7% of milk production and Cluster 3 groups animals with the lowest production. From the results obtained, it was possible to make the selection of the 55 most productive animals for milk production. This represents 64.70% of the herd and they are responsible for 86.8% of the total milk production.


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Como Citar

Frau, F., Salinas, F., Leguizamón Carate, J. N., Togo, J., & Pece, N. (2023). Selection of dairy goats using milk recording and multivariate analysis in a family farming system. Revista Da Faculdade De Agronomia, 122(1), 124.



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