The singular in the collective: logic of the device for the 
treatment of autism


  • Gustavo La Cigarra (Argentina) / Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana (EOL, Argentina) / PAUSA/lalata (Argentina)



autism, psychoanalysis, device, collective


The work is based on the challenge that la cigarra faced in testing the device and its effectiveness in the online work forced by the pandemic. In general terms, it is possible to disaggregate, by way of exposition, four places to be explored: (1) how we conceive of the "collective" if the bet is on the singular; (2) transference: the singular in the collective; (3) the place of the act in a collective device and the paradox that this implies; (4) the idea of a malleable device that can be lent to make use of it.


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Author Biography

Gustavo, La Cigarra (Argentina) / Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana (EOL, Argentina) / PAUSA/lalata (Argentina)

Psicoanalista; Coordinador de La Cigarra; miembro de la Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana; Coordinador de Pausa/lalata (Psicoanálisis Aplicado a las Urgencias Subjetivas de la Actualidad).


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How to Cite

Gustavo. (2021). The singular in the collective: logic of the device for the 
treatment of autism. Journal of Psychology, 20(1), 98–107.