Consumption of substances: Psychosocial factors involved in consultations to public care centers


  • Pablo Barrenengoa Facultad de Psicología (UNLP)



problematic consumption of substances, psychosocial factors, health services, addictions, future projection


Family, social support networks and institutional, education and labor spaces are factors of inestimable importance in understanding and addressing the etiological chain of problematic use of psychoactive substances (CPSP). The overall objective of this work was to identify and analyze psychosocial factors related to patients with CPSP attended in Addictions Care Centers (CPA) in the Province of Buenos Aires (BA), Argentina. A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed. The records of sociodemographic and psychosocial variables of the population using the service network were obtained from the Observatory of  Psychoactive Substances Use. The main characteristics found were weak social networks and support containment, accompanied by the lack of forward-looking in patients with average age of 28 years; in addition to familiar scenarios with difficulties in carrying out the socio-affective functions. Patients with future projection showed higher presence of social support networks and containment and interests. 


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How to Cite

Barrenengoa, P. (2017). Consumption of substances: Psychosocial factors involved in consultations to public care centers. Journal of Psychology, 16, 121–135.



Research reports