About the Journal
Focus and Scope
“Ciencias Administrativas” is a scientific journal of academic excellence in all areas of management and related disciplines, semestrally published (January and July) by the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
From July 2021 onwards, Ciencias Administrativas operates under a continuous publication model, with the aim of shortening manuscript publication periods.
The mission of “Ciencias Administrativas” is to disseminate, among the academic and professional communities, unpublished, meaningful and high quality articles associated with researches in the area of management and related disciplines, anonymously reviewed by renowned academic peers. (ISSN 2314-3738)
Section Policies
Scientific Articles
In this section it will be published undertaken articles according to the achieved results on investigations of grade, post -grade, grants, investigations projects, etc.
The investigation report is an exposure of a scientific investigation that has already been done. This generic denomination indicates the result obtained on a certain phase from an ongoing investigation, the final result of it or the product of a team project.
Checked Open Submissions Yes ; Checked Indexed Yes; Checked Peer Reviewed Yes
This section is for the publication of Scientific Essays that could be or not a result of empirical investigations, but because of its writing, arguments, intention and communicability deserves this denomination. The Essay is an argumentative discussion where the writer exposes a topic of disciplinary interest, approaching to the facts and its knowledge.
Checked Open Submissions Yes ; Checked Indexed Yes; Checked Peer Reviewed Yes
Dissemination Articles
In this section it will be publish articles where authors exposes their educational/professional experiences. Dissemination Articles must raise new topics referred to classrooms innovation or new professional challenges.
Checked Open Submissions Yes ; Checked Indexed Yes; Checked Peer Reviewed Yes
In this section Reviews or Critiques from books, magazines, papers, thesis, etc. can be included. The Review “is a brief manuscript that tries to give an overview and critique from a work. This will be requested by the EXECUTIVE BOARD.
Checked Open Submissions Yes ; Checked Indexed Yes; Checked Peer Reviewed Yes
Manuscripts may be returned to authors for review if they do not gather all submission requirements detailed on the “Guideline for Authors” (desk rejection). If the manuscript fulfills all submission requirements, it is then processed through the plagiarism detection software iThenticate. It then is delivered to the Editorial Board, together with the iThenticate report. In turn, prior to assigning a reviewer, the Editorial Board will determine if the article is suitable to begin the evaluation process. In response to this, the article can take its course or be rejected before being reviewed by an external peer.
The designated reviewers are professionals with appropriate experience in the subject, not related to the publishing institution. It is common to select an editor to oversee each submitted article, being able to select a second referee if necessary. The evaluation process will be anonymous for both, authors and reviewers, and it will also be supported by the evaluation guide of the journal.
The criteria that the reviewers follow during the review process are the following:
- Originality and Clarity in the preparation and submission of the ideas
- Title, Keywords and Objectives
- Methodological Rigor
- Development of the article and conclusions
- Bibliographic References, Footnotes, Tables, Figures and Graphics
The possible results of the review are: 1) Publishable 2) Review Required 3) Not Publishable
When the paper requires a new revision (Review Required), authors are asked to modify their manuscript according to comments/suggestions from the assigned referee. Therefore, authors must submit a new version for consideration. The reviewers are responsible for the final decision.
After final checking, acceptance is confirmed and authors will be informed in which number the paper will be published. The publishers will be responsible for the syntax process and formal aspects. The Institutional Communication Unit of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata is in charge of drawing up the papers into PDF documents in order to publish them on the website of the magazine http://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/CADM
Article Rejection Rate for 2024 (Period from January to December)
Administrative Sciences Journal: 52%.
Two issues were published (No. 23 and 24), each containing 10 articles. A total of 62 articles were rejected throughout the year. There are 18 articles in the editing queue scheduled for publication in the issues corresponding to 2025. As of December, 20 articles are under review.
Estimated time for the publishing and evaluation process
The estimated time for the evaluation process is between two and four months, since usually there are needed at least 1 or 2 evaluation rounds before the proposal is SUITABLE for publication. Both the reviewer and the author will have a 30 days long interval to do their work (this interval is estimated, since it depends on each author and reviewer for each proposal).
Once the article is SUITABLE to be published, the editorial process (copyediting, translating, layout and galley) requires about one to two months.
From July 2021 onwards, Ciencias Administrativas operates under a continuous publication model, with the aim of shortening manuscript publication periods.
The Journal retains its biannual frequency, with closing dates on January 1st and July 1st, respectively.
Instructions for reviewers
Once the revision of each article has been completed, the reviewer must complete a Revision Form, available here. In that form, reviewers must qualify each article under different evaluation parameters, and they will be able to justify each decision they made. In order to unify the evaluating criteria, we have created a document with instructions to complete the Revision Form. Such document is available here.
Open Access Policy
This journal has immediate free access to its content under the principle that to make available for free investigations to the public this supports a larger exchange of global knowledge .
The acceptance of the manuscript, implies not to submit the manuscript to other journals or publishers and the non-exclusive assignment of the property rights of the authors in favor of the editor, allowing its reutilization, after editing (post print), under Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC- BY – NC – SA 4.0).The work can be share, copied, distributed, executed and publicly communicated; as long as: a) the authorship and the original source of its publication are cited (journal, editorial and website of the work) b) it is not used for commercial purposes c) if it is modified, changed or generates a derivative work from this work, it must be using the same licence.
Additionally, our institution promotes and supports the open access movement into the academic scientific literature, therefore its editions has no charges for the author and neither for the reader, also incentives authors to contribute in other institutional and thematic repositories, knowing that the culture and the knowledge are common goods.
Plagiarism Policy
The journal uses a plagiarism detection software (Crossref - Similarity Check). Authors found to have plagiarized the work of others or their own will not be able to publish the submitted work and other publications in Ciencias Administrativas during a period of time to be established by the Journal’s direction.
Index and Inclusion
Ciencias Administrativas journal is included in the following quiality indices and indexation:
NB (Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas); SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online); LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal) Nivel I-Catálogo 2.0; ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and social sciences); REDALYC (Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal); REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico); PKP INDEX; EBSCO ; MIAR (Matriz de Información para el análisis de revistas- Universidad de Barcelona); CAPES (Portal de periódicos CAPES/MEC- Brasil); DIALNET (Servicio de alertas sobre publicaciones de contenido científico); DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); REPEC; GOOGLE ACADÉMICO; MALENA Políticas de jerarquización, acceso y archivo de las publicaciones científicas argentinas (Argentina); SEDICI (Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata); LATINRev (red Latinoamérica de revistas académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades); ROAD (Directorio de Recursos Científicos y Universitarios en acceso abierto).
La Revista Ciencias Administrativas esta adherida a la Declaración de San Francisco de Evaluación de la Investigación DORA.
Data Availability Policy
Ciencias Administrativas promotes the transparency and reproducibility of the published research so that other researchers can replicate the studies described in these articles, either to corroborate or refute the obtained results, under the provisions of the Argentinian National Law No. 26,899 on Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories.
To promote the reproducibility of results, the journal requires authors to make available the data sets used to perform the research described in their articles without restrictions. In case of limitations for ethical or legal reasons, authors shall indicate how other researchers should proceed to access such data.
Any information and research data sent to this publication shall be uploaded and made available in SEDICI, the repository of the National University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata/UNLP), to increase compliance with the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (it should be possible to find and access data, which should be located in systems capable of interoperating, and people should be able to reuse them in other investigations).
Authors are encouraged to store data in SEDICI, or any other research data repository (for example, FigShare, Mendeley Data or Zenodo), before sending their contributions to the journal. When the article is submitted, this would allow simply mentioning the URL where the research data are located.
Authors are requested to use formats that maximize data accessibility and reusability (for example, regarding tabular data, using a spreadsheet is suggested). If necessary, it is recommended that, together with the data, they publish the algorithms or pipelines that must be used with the data for their correct interpretation.
Preservation Policy
Any materials published in this journal are stored in SEDICI, the UNLP’s repository. Automated backups and remote copies, format adaptations, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are made through the repository. Please feel free to consult SEDICI’s preservation policies by clicking this link: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/pages/politicas#preservacion