Improvement of the supply chain management of the domestic construction materials production and sales program




supply chains, construction, diagnostics


The objective of the research was to suggest actions to improve the management of the supply chains (SC) involved in the Domestic Construction Materials Production and Sales Program in the province of Cienfuegos. The methodology used for the fulfillment of the investigation, was based on Feitó Cespón, Cespón Castro, Martínez Curbelo, & Covas Varela (2015) and logical thinking processes. The Smic-Prob-Expert cross-impact probability method was applied to determine the conflict to be prioritized once the main problems affecting the supply chains were found out, as well as the possible solutions. The application of these tools showed that the fundamental problem lies in the lack of alignment of the objectives of the supply chains. For that reason, we suggest, solutions and identified those which most influence the main one.


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How to Cite

Covas Varela, D., Martínez, G., & González Hernández, G. (2022). Improvement of the supply chain management of the domestic construction materials production and sales program. Ciencias Administrativas, (20), 102.



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