Corporate social responsibility in the context of legislation in Ecuador
administrative provision, social environment, business management, ecuadorian legislation, social projectionAbstract
This scientific contribution aims to evaluate the state of knowledge and application of the legislation of corporate social responsibility in Ecuador, to understand the benefits, and to promote and apply it. The study begins with the knowledge of the intervening factors and then to know solutions proposed from different sectors. This research corresponds to a qualitative approach, descriptive documentary design based on the collection and bibliographic analysis. The main results of this research show that, in the last 20 years, the international scientific community has shown a great interest in the research topic, corporate social responsibility. The main scientific contributions published in the Scopus database are scientific articles and book chapters. The countries with the most quantity of publications are the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. The scientific journals that offer the greatest socialization to research in the area of corporate responsibility are the Journal of Business Ethics, Sustainability Switzerland, Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management, among others. On the other hand, it is shown that most Ecuadorian companies are not aware of the legislation of social responsibility for sustainable development, being important to socialize the benefits and educate citizens to improve their compliance because at the same time, economic growth can improve is the social conditions of those involved.
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