Reverse Logistics in textile Micro-Enterprises: Canton Otavalo Case -Ecuador




reverse logistics, SCOR model, waste, environmental responsibility


This article shows the results of the research carried out on the application of reverse logistics in the textile sector of the city of Otavalo, for micro-enterprises to have the possibility of recycling waste and then proceed to a new development of a new product. For this reason, it is necessary to develop the reverse logistics process and make decisions that will benefit the environment of Otavalo City.

To develop this study, It was necessary to read initially the literature such asdefinitions, and types of reverse logistics, likewise under the qualitative and quantitative method, which allowed to study of the textile microenterprise sector through surveys. Later detailed results of products, raw materials, and waste were obtained with the sole purpose of turning the waste into a final destination in the landfill generating a negative effect on the environment. With all the results, it is proposed to improve the internal and external processes of the  selection of textile waste, with the support of  shared responsibility of  stakeholders, such as the Government, Civil Society, and Public Companies, forging awareness of the application of reverse logistics in the process of planning, implementation, control and time reduction  through the SCOR model, seeking efficiency and effectiveness within micro-enterprises to finally obtain , the return of those waste for a new product.


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Author Biographies

Belky Nerea Orbes Revelo, Investigadora independiente

Profesional en Comercio Internacional y mercadeo de la Universidad de Nariño-Colombia, Magister en Relaciones Internacionales con Mención en Negociones Internacionales y Manejo de Conflictos, Candidata al doctorado en Proyectos - Diplomado en Comercio Exterior. Diplomado en Educación Virtual. 7 años en la docencia e investigación en la Educación Superior en Ecuador. Directora de Vinculación con la Sociedad Universidad de Otavalo. Autora de artículos nacionales y regionales enfocados a comercio fronterizo y logística.

Macarena Aracely López Espinoza, Universidad de Otavalo, Ecuador

Estudiante graduada de la Carrera de comercio Exterior promoción 2022 – Universidad de Otavalo.


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How to Cite

Orbes Revelo, B. N., & López Espinoza, M. A. (2024). Reverse Logistics in textile Micro-Enterprises: Canton Otavalo Case -Ecuador. Ciencias Administrativas, (24), 141.



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