Efficiency in financial markets and forecast of asset prices


  • Eduardo Quiroga Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina.




Financial markets, market efficiency, behavioral finances, speculative bubble


The present work aims to analyze the efficiency in financial markets, by analyzing the positions of the 2013 Nobel Economy prize winners, who obtained this recognition because of their empirical contributions concerning the prediction of the behavior of financial asset prices, based on different theoretical foundations.
The Efficient Markets Theory of Eugene Fama is analyzed, as well as, irrational behaviors of investors and the generation of speculative bubbles from the perspective of Robert Shiller, and finally Lars Peter´s contributions with the Generalized Model of Moments.
It concludes that markets become more efficient, when analysts believes that there are more inefficient and competes in the search of information in order to take advantage of that inefficiency.
Normally analysts act on the basis of imperfect markets, using technical analysis, carrying out fundamental reviews and accepting that privilege information exists; this reality make markets more efficient.
Market efficiency is half-truth; financial asset prices seem to frequently reflect its intrinsic value to a certain extent and in specific situations, widespread irrational behaviors generates bubbles.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Quiroga, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina.

Licenciado en Administración. Magister en Dirección de Empresas 

Doctorando en Ciencias de la Administración. Profesor de Finanzas de Empresas

Coordinador General Maestría en Dirección de Empresas. (todo de la UNLP)


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How to Cite

Quiroga, E. (2017). Efficiency in financial markets and forecast of asset prices. Ciencias Administrativas, (10), 011. https://doi.org/10.24215/23143738e011

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