Editorial Revista Ciencias Administrativas N° 12


  • Comite Ejecutivo Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina.




 “Discovery commences with the awareness of anomaly, i.e., with the recognition that nature has somehow violated the paradigm-induced expectations that govern normal science.” ( Thomas Kuhn)

At present, the paradigm that governs all administrative disciplines begins to show signs of breaking down. New ways of studying and analyzing organizations and their actors should erupt. Problems that until a few years ago where irrelevant today, should occupy central places in the investigation.

In this scenario we invite you to read the 12th issue of Ciencias Administrativas Journal, corresponding to the period January-June 2018, where you will find scientific articles and essays that move forward into new problems of interest related to the study of organizations from different disciplinary perspectives.

 We would be very proud that our Journal serves to catalyze initiatives that reflects the paradigm changes,  that is why we invite all our readers to think about new topics and issues and to propose articles for the upcoming issues.

In this issue the reader will find articles which invites us to think about topics such as: Corporate Social Responsibility; changes and difficulties in university management; new perspectives to enrich labor functions; use of qualitative methodologies; holistic thinking in the attitude study towards the brands; accounting for corporate governance and formalization of organizational behavior.

Finally, we are pleased to congratulate the new Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Mg. Eduardo De Giusti, who has given impetus and permanent support to this Journal.

With sincere gratitude we move on to the reading of this issue.

The Editorial Board


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How to Cite

Ejecutivo, C. (2018). Editorial Revista Ciencias Administrativas N° 12. Ciencias Administrativas, (12), 022. https://doi.org/10.24215/23143738e022


