In search of the technological development missing link

Understanding the development of CITEDEF simulators Vis-À-Vis its Industrial production regime




technological development, science and technology policy, weapon simulators


This study addresses the question – a ubiquitous Argentinian query, indeed – about the type of obstacles that successfully marketed technological developments face in order to either be manufactured in small-batches or at a high-volume manufacture scale. The analysis of this article focuses on the CITEDEF portable weapons shooting simulators in demand for Argentinian Security and Defence Forces teaching and training activities. These technological devices, the subject matter of this paper, consist of computing, electronic, and optical devices, as well as weapon machining. Owing to specific (legal, regulatory, and social) user requirements, a variety of versions of these simulators have been produced ad hoc over the years. This paper highlights, on the one hand, the importance of the interaction between public policy design and implementation. On the other hand, this line of enquiry addresses the importance of assessing the industrial dynamics of the simulators as a preliminary step to understand their technological development better.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Luis Seijo, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. CONICET. Argentina Instituto de Industria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina.

Investigador-Docente (Profesor Asociado concursado) de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Investigador Adjunto de Carrera de Investigador en CONICET e Investigador Categoría II del Sistema Nacional de Incentivos. Gustavo L. Seijo es, también, Licenciado en Administración de la UBA y PhD en Management Studies de King´s College (University of London). Su investigación está centrada en temas de gestión de investigación y desarrollo científico-tecnológica. Gustavo Seijo ha publicado en revistas como Organization, Organization Management Journal, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Prometheus, Revista Redes, Multiciencias, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología y Análisis Organizacional.

Leopoldo Blugerman , Instituto de Industria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina.

Licenciado en Ciencia Política (UBA), Magister en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad de Bologna). PhD(c) Systems Science (University of Hull), Investigador-Docente (Profesor Adjunto) de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y Director de la Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas (Instituto de Industria, UNGS). Leopoldo Blugerman ha publicado en las revistas Trabajo y Sociedad, Multiciencias, Harvard Review of Latin America y Redes, entre otras. Ha publicado, también, capítulos de libro en Harvard University Press y en Palgrave.


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How to Cite

Seijo, G. L., & Blugerman , L. . (2020). In search of the technological development missing link: Understanding the development of CITEDEF simulators Vis-À-Vis its Industrial production regime. Ciencias Administrativas, (17), 070.



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