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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Authors who will participate on the magazine Ciencias Administrativas must know the following guidelines.

1. The author, who sends an article to “Ciencias Administrativas” magazine, undertakes not to submit the article simultaneously under consideration of other publications. Manuscripts must refer to subjects involved in Administration and related disciplines, must be unpublished and represent an original investigation. Decisions of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE are unquestionable.

2. Every article that does not gathers the formal requirements detailed on this “Guidelines for Authors” will be returned for its adjustment and review.

3. Articles should be submitted online at

For guidance send an email to

4. The author must communicate the following personal information at the time of sending the work:

- Full name and surname

- Institutional Affiliation (without initials)

- Role performed (professor, researcher, doctoral student, etc.)

- Contact mail


- Brief Curriculum Vitae (maximum 500 characters with spaces)

5. Articles in Spanish or English will be accepted

6. Article Length

For articles to be published in the ESSAY or SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES sections: minimum length 25.000 characters (without spaces) and maximum length 40.000 characters (with spaces).

For articles to be published in the “Dissemination Articles” section: minimum length 15.000 characters (without spaces) and maximum length 20.000 characters (without spaces).

For articles to be published in the REVIEW/CRITIQUES section: minimum extension 5.000 characters (without spaces) and maximum length 10.000 characters (without spaces).

All articles must contain an Abstract, 3 Keywords and the Main Title written in Spanish and in English. Abstracts should be up to 1000 characters with spaces.

In ALL cases the number of authors may NOT exceed three.

7. Articles must not contain any personal data, if so there will be returned for corrections.

8. Articles must contain:

8.1. COVER PAGE. Should include the following information:

8.1.1. The title of the article must be, written in English and Spanish, clear and precise and it should be no more than 20 words long.  Format: CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD AND CENTERED TEXT.

8.1.2. Publishing section (Essays, Scientific Articles, Dissemination Articles, Reviews/Critiques). It should be inserted below the Tittle with one line spacing. The sections are:

  • Essays: This section is for the publication of Scientific Essays that could be or not a result of empirical investigations, but because of its writing, arguments, intention and communicability deserves this denomination. The Essay is an argumentative discussion where the writer exposes a topic of disciplinary interest, approaching to the facts and its knowledge.
  • Scientific Articles: In this section it will be published undertaken articles according to the achieved results on investigations of grade, post-grade, grants, investigations projects, etc. The investigation report is an exposure of a scientific investigation that has already been done. This generic denomination indicates the result obtained on a certain phase from an ongoing investigation, the final result of it or the product of a team project.
  • Dissemination articles: In this section it will be publish articles where authors exposes their educational/professional experiences. Dissemination Articles must raise new topics referred to classrooms innovation or new professional challenges.
  • Reviews/ Critiques: In this section Reviews or Critiques from books, magazines, papers, thesis, etc. can be included. The Review “is a brief manuscript that tries to give an overview and critique from a work. This will be requested by the EXECUTIVE BOARD.

8.1.3. The Analytical Summary must be written in Spanish and in English. It should be no more than 200 words long and contains: work objective, methodology and the result or the most important recommendation that emerges from the work.

8.1.4. Keywords must be written in Spanish and in English (three keywords).

8.1.5. JEL Classification (can be obtained in

8.1.6. If applies, basic information from the article investigation, funding sources and acknowledgments must be attached. This should be done adding a footnote at the end of the tittle.

8.2. Body of the Article. It starts in the same page after the JEL classification with the following similar order:

  1. Introduction. Presents the backgrounds and the objective of the research. Raises the central theme.
  2. Development. For the “scientific articles”, the formulation of the problem and the bibliographic review; the methodology and the empirical results must be included. In the “Essays” is very important to be clear about the argumentative aspects.
  3. Conclusions. Main aspects of the article, recommendations and limitations should be highlighted, but this must not represent a summary of it. Additionally future investigations lines are propound.
  4. Bibliographic References will be presented at the end of the article according to the APA style.
  5. Annexes.

9. Tables and Figures. In the article all tables and figures must be inserted as an image and mentioned before being submitted, making reference as Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, etc. Each one of these categories must be numbered (according to the appearance in the text), titled and sourced at the top.

If tables and figures are copied or reproduced from other sources, it must be added the number of reference page. Tables and Figures should be designed, if possible, in gray scale, black white or with sober colors.  

10. Equations. Equations must only be done with the equations editor. Each one of the equations should be numbered in order of appearance.

11. Footnotes: Only explanatory information should be displayed, each footnote will have a consecutive numbering. The font it will be Calibri, size 10.

12. References. In the article it will be use the system Author-Date. If more than one work is referred on the article the cited authors will be in alphabetical order, always under the Author-Date style. All the quoted references must be relevant to the article theme. The excess of references makes difficult the reading and the correct comprehension of the article.

13. Textual references. It’s the original quoted material from another source. A short citation (with less than 40 words) will be written between double quotes. Citations with more than 40 words must be placed in a separate block, without quotes and with a 0.5cm margin.

In each case, always must be added the Author, Date and the specific source of the quoted text in the references list.

The citations must be accurate, this means, that modifications can´t be done, even if there are spelling mistakes. The format must not be in Italic or Underlined, only when the author wants to emphasized it could be added the Italic format and then the text must be between square brackets. The page number should only be added in the Textual References cases (Includes Tables and Figures as well).    

14. General Considerations. Technical Specifications for submitting are the following:

  • Text Files: Word 97 or subsequent
  • Paper Size: A4 (landscape)
  • Margins: Top 2.5cm / Bottom 2.5cm / Left 3cm / Right 3cm
  • No Headers and No Footers
  • Do not include Page or Section Breaks. Pages unnumbered.
  • Font Size: body of the text 11 and 10 for notes
  • Font: Calibri
  • Character Spacing: Normal Spacing and Normal Position
  • Paragraphs: Simple line spacing and with a single spaced between paragraphs. First Line of the point without Indentation, for the rest of the paragraphs the Indentation must be 1,25cm. For the References it must be use Hanging Indent, Double space at the end of the point before the following title.
  • Title of the Article: All the title must be written in Capital Letters, Font Garamond, Style Bold, Size 12 and Centered. The Subtitles must be written in Small Letters, Style Bold, without order number and left aligned. 

15. Acknowledgements. If necessary, acknowledgements will be included at the end of the text, before de bibliographic references and must be brief. The authors are responsible for requesting the necessary authorizations to mention the people or the organizations, which in their opinion, deserves the gratitude.

16. The Editorial Board together with the Editors are responsible for compliance with good practices to guarantee originality, internal character and that there is no plagiarism in the works received, as well as impartiality and confidentiality in their treatment.

17. Declaration of Conflict of Interest and Originality. A conflict of interests exists when an author (or its institution), editor or publisher has a financial or personal relationship that improperly affects (bias) on their actions (relationships known as double commitment, conflict of interests or loyalties). The Declaration of Originality implies that the manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere.

18. Submission and Peer Review. Manuscripts may be returned to authors for review if they do not gather all submission requirements detailed on this “Guideline for Authors”. In turn, prior to assigning an evaluator, the executive committee of the journal will determine if the article is suitable to begin the evaluation process. (A previous reading is made, collecting basic aspects about the article). In response to this, the article can take its course or be rejected before being reviewed by an external evaluator.

The designated Arbitrators may be people with appropriate experience in the subject, related or not to the publishing institution. It is common to select an editor to oversee each submitted article, being able to select a second referee if necessary. The evaluation process will be anonymous for authors and editors, and it will also be supported by the evaluation guide of the journal.

The criteria that the Arbitrators follows during the review process are the following:

  1. Originality and Clarity in the preparation and submission of the ideas
  2. Title, Keywords and Objectives
  3. Methodological Rigour
  4. Development of the article and conclusions
  5. Bibliographic References, Footnotes, Tables, Figures and Graphics

The possible results of the review are: 1) Publishable 2) Review Required 3) Not Publishable

When the paper requires a new revision (Review Required) authors are asked to modify their manuscript according to comments/suggestions from the assigned referee. Therefore, authors must submit a new version for consideration. The evaluators are responsible for the final decision.

After final checking, acceptance is confirmed and authors will be informed in which number the paper will be published. The responsible publishers will be responsible for the syntax process and formal aspects. The Institutional Communication Unit of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata is in charge of drawing up the papers into PDF documents in order to publish them on the website of the magazine

19. Estimated time for the publishing and evaluation process. The estimated time for the evaluation process is between two and four months, since usually there are needed at least 1 or 2 evaluation rounds before the proposal is SUITABLE for publication. Both the reviewer and the author will have a 30 days long interval to do their work (this interval is estimated, since it depends on each author and reviewer for each proposal).

Once the article is SUITABLE to be published, the editorial process (copyediting, translating, layout and galley) requires about one to two months.

From July 2021 onwards, Ciencias Administrativas operates under a continuous publication model, with the aim of shortening manuscript publication periods.

The Journal retains its biannual frequency, with closing dates on January 1st and July 1st, respectively.


TÍTULO (Español/Inglés)



Este trabajo…

Palabras Claves:


This paper…

Key Words:

Clasificación JEL:


Formulación del Problema y revisión bibliográfica




Resultados empíricos obtenidos


Referencias Bibliográficas (De acuerdo a APA en su versión más actual)


The following statement must be submitted with the manuscript at the time of delivery, as an additional file (one for each author) that minimally contains the following information::

Declaración de Conflicto de Intereses y Originalidad

First and Last Name:

Date and Place:

Title of the article:

I declare that does not exists any conflict of interest (economic, professional or personal) real, potential or potentially perceived that could result a bias on the publication of the article. Otherwise, each author declares after the signing of the conflict of interest.

I declare that this manuscript submitted to “Ciencias Administrativas” has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere. Likewise, it fulfills ALL the criteria established in the Guidelines for Authors, among them the one of Originality.


Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.