Music therapy and palliative care

Addressing spiritual needs


  • Agustina Iturri Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Hospital Universitario Austral (HUA)
  • Álvaro Lemos Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Centro de Salud Cerebral (CESAL)


music therapy, palliative care, spiritual needs


In recent years the insertion of music therapy in the field of Palliative Care has grown, whether within hospitals, Hospices and specifically in Palliative Care programs. The most frequent objectives of clinical practice in end-of-life care are organized according to the physiological, psychosocial, cognitive and spiritual dimensions, untying the relief of symptoms; the approach of psychological needs; promote support and comfort; facilitate communication; and meet spiritual needs. This article presents a review and systematization of the specialized literature on the music therapy approach to spiritual needs in adult patients, specifically at the end of life. For this, the PubMed databases were consulted; ResearchGate; Medpal and Google Scholar. Through the results obtained, there has been a lack of consensus on the conceptualization of spiritual needs, which leads to a fragmentation of knowledge on this subject in the area of Music Therapy. Music can offer creative, symbolic and poetic means to address existential and spiritual needs during the dying process (Brandt & Dileo 2010). However, not only does music offer such means, but it is the music therapist who facilitates this to happen, within the therapeutic relationship.


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How to Cite

Iturri, A. ., & Lemos, Álvaro . (2019). Music therapy and palliative care: Addressing spiritual needs. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 4(2), 14–54. Retrieved from



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