Notions of music in musictherapy

Artículo de revisión narrativa


  • Santiago Bertoni Universidad de Buenos Aires, Asociación Argentina de Musicoterapia



música, nociones, práctica musicoterapéutica, teoría, aplicación


The specific objective of this article aims to make a review and exposition of the different notions of music developed by different schools of thought in music therapy. As a second objective, those notions of music are related to the training of the professional. Finally, a review of its implication in music therapy practice will be introduced. The first part of the article raises the complexity that underlies when defining music. For this, different theoretical positions are required to develop these definitions in music therapy specifically. The second part presents a relationship between the notions of music conceptualized by different authors and exposes the rationale for its use in the music therapy process. To conclude, it is observed that, within the theoretical material, mostly found in English, the relationship between the notion of music and music therapy intervention is reciprocated. In other words, the notions of music in music therapy offer the possibility of raising a discussion that enhances the specificity of the music therapy process.


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How to Cite

Bertoni, S. (2022). Notions of music in musictherapy: Artículo de revisión narrativa. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 7, 025.



Artículo de Revisión