Ethnographic strategies for an innovative framework of COVID-19


  • Laura Teves
  • Carolina Remorini
  • María Gabriela Morgante



applied ethnography, social innovation, transference, COVID-19, everyday life, social interactions, health, welfare


The problem of Covid-19 is tackled from the concept of syndemic and the theoretical and methodological perspective of Applied Ethnography oriented to identify factors which cause or shape changes in everyday life at a micro scale, focusing on the facilitators or barriers that affect the access to the resources for welfare, health and subsistence. Likewise, we are interested in drawing attention to new cooperation and social articulation processes which acknowledge the actors and institutions committed to addressing and solving problems in local contexts.

In this development, the specific demands and needs of vulnerable groups are considered - people with pre-existing diseases, people over 60 years of age, healthcare workers, families with Covid-19 positive members, among others-. In this respect, we would like to assess the difficulties the different sectors present to solve everyday problems, such as the access to health care and services, taking the support nets and local community strategies into consideration.

The objectives that led the process to tackle the problem of Covid-19 are based on the articulation of the research, extension and transference. These objectives contribute to the revision of concepts and approaches by means of obtaining our own data, resulting in the development of innovative strategies. Our development seeks to contribute to the strengthening of municipal and provincial capacities to tackle Covid-19 syndemic, building tools, models and databases on the effects on health and welfare in the different sectors of the local population.

Our development is based on the generation of a Covid-19 Observatory according to the register and systematization of mixed data, instruments design, database construction and modelization. The project seeks to create an Observatory of Covid-19 with the purpose of collecting and transferring new information about personal nets, patients and healthcare workers’ perspectives and experiences, the circulation of resources which contribute to the care and support of vulnerable groups and situations of isolation due to Covid-19 in the suburbs of La Plata.

The products to be developed are a set of tools to meet the objectives of collecting and transferring new information about personal networks, the perspectives and experiences of patients and health workers, the circulation of resources that contribute to the care and support of vulnerable groups and the situation of isolation due to COVID-19 in Greater La Plata. The products are six and are presented below: Product 1: tool for the standardized collection of data on actors and relationships in the context of everyday practices: on *Covid-19 positive cases, and on *essential resources for everyday support or support net and social capital; and *vulnerable groups. Product 2: tool for collection of data on healthcare workers, researchers and decision makers’ perspectives and experiences. Product 3: tool for collection of data on elders’ first hand representations, perspectives and everyday experiences and through other members of the family unit (especially boys and girls). Product 4: Covid-19 reticular analysis model based on the selection of cases which includes the standard size estimation of a personal net of confirmed cases and their close contacts, in random samples. Also, the elaboration of graphic material which represents infection dynamics in context. Product 5: database and elaboration of thematic cartography of Covid-19 positive cases and their bonds with direct contacts, including georeferenced location. Product 6: database with quantitative and qualitative information about politics, guides and management instruments, both local and from other participating countries. Comparative analysis of public policies.

The products obtained from this proposal can be transferred to professionals from public services and institutions, health policies managers and decision makers, and to territorial and institutional referents in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. We believe that the social innovations we propose simultaneously address the concrete needs of vulnerable groups, creating new social relationships and collaborations. This introduces changes at both micro and macro structural levels, which will involve reference people and their communities, and will have a comprehensive influence on both private and public institutions.


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How to Cite

Teves, L., Remorini, C., & Morgante, M. G. (2020). Ethnographic strategies for an innovative framework of COVID-19. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 2(2), 306–335.