Ten micro-essays on the culture of argentine industrial design: views to feed an infinite debate


  • Enrique D´Amico Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas PBA (CIC)


industrial design, Argentina, design culture


In the following article we reflect on the practice of Argentine industrial design, from the articulation with Philosophy, Art, Cociology and other fields of knowledge that converge in a text written in a literary key whose objective is to act as a trigger to rethink the ways in which industrial designers perceive and (are) perceived in relation to the discipline and the symbolic universe that defines (and conditions) industrial design. Topics such as identity, the frontiers of design and its expansion, its link with technology, the development of concepts and situated design will be addressed here.


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How to Cite

D´Amico, E. (2023). Ten micro-essays on the culture of argentine industrial design: views to feed an infinite debate. Investigación Joven, 10(1), 1–6. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/InvJov/article/view/14733