A proposal for the implementation of ESI from the comprehensive prevention model
Comprehensive sex education, health promotion, disease prevention, initial level, secondary levelAbstract
The main objective of this work is to share some experiences of articulation of the Comprehensive Sexual Education Law 26.150 at the initial and secondary levels and to analyze them from the Comprehensive Prevention Model (Gavilán, 2015). For this, we will mention the supervised professional practices carried out in the Preventive Psychology subject of the Bachelor of Psychology, UNLP. They introduce the student to the career in the area of prevention through institutional and community pedagogical proposals based on field work, including diagnosis, design and implementation of lines of action.
In this case, we worked in a kindergarten and a technical education secondary school, both run by the state of the city of La Plata. Different axes of the Comprehensive Sexual Education Program were cut and interactive workshops and stands were implemented as a methodology.
These practices are enriching both for the recipients and for the students, who value the possibility of approaching a field of professional practice such as the educational system at different levels, as well as the themes and the way to approach them from a strategic conception of prevention aiming at nonspecific prevention and adopting a holistic health concept.
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