Cinema and history. Archive, editing and survivals in El siglo del viento (The century of the wind), by Fernando Birri


  • María Cecilia Pavón IdIHCS (Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales). Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Aby Warburg, Fernando Birri, archive, cinema, history


Over the last decades, debates about archives have spread beyond the original field of the historical discipline in order to provide new questions to the way of knowing of anthropology, literary criticism, sociology, cultural studies, and visual studies. 

Aby Warburg´s work and his Atlas Mnemosyne are found within this line of ideas and work with archives (both textual and visual).

Considering Warburg´s method of analysis, this article will analyze the work with archives made by Fernando Birri in the movie El siglo del viento (1999).


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How to Cite

Pavón, M. C. (2022). Cinema and history. Archive, editing and survivals in El siglo del viento (The century of the wind), by Fernando Birri. Plurentes. Artes Y Letras, (13), 044.



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