Biden’s foreign agenda and its implications for the European Union and Latin America


  • Anna Ayuso



United States, European Union, Latin America, foreign policy, China


The article analyzes the possible consequences of Joe Biden's new foreign agenda for hemispheric relations and transatlantic relations. The return to multilateralism and an active leadership of the United States in the International System offers opportunities to strengthen the ties of cooperation, but also carries some risks given the growing tensions that are taking place in the international arena, especially with the growing activism of China. After analyzing the initiatives that the Biden-Harris Administration has taken during its first 100 days in relation to Latin America and the Caribbean and with its transatlantic partners, the essay advocates the need to promote variable geometry alliances that help promote international governance avoiding dynamics confrontational.


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How to Cite

Ayuso, A. (2021). Biden’s foreign agenda and its implications for the European Union and Latin America. International Relations, 30(60), 134.