Parliamentary diplomacy’s contribution to International Humanitarian Law

The Malvinas case and the DNA of the fallen


  • Gonzalo Salimena Universidad del Salvador (USAL)



parliamentary diplomacy, Executive Power, foreign policy, International Humanitarian Law, DNA


The growth that parliamentary diplomacy has achieved in recent years in Latin America is well known. In academic circles we have experienced significant progress as regards study programs, ranging from international diplomas and seminars to specific subjects. However, there has also been an increase in quantitative terms as regards the activities of the Chambers in relation to other parliaments, as well as in their interaction with other international and regional organizations of various kinds.

Undoubtedly, in order to explain this expansion we can find an increasing impact of globalization, interdependence and trans-government of the interactions affecting the link between different political elites with their respective interests seeking to influence foreign policy, and the growing role of communications, among the variables that can help explain this process. These factors projected new internal and external actors who demanded more active participation in foreign policy. This does not mean removing the Executive Branch from the center of the political spectrum, but rather expanding the coexistence of various actors seeking to share spaces of power and to build a certain autonomy in their international politics agendas within a more volatile and uncertain context. Thus, in recent years parliamentary diplomacy has proved to be a useful tool and “a supplementary perspective that can contribute to the achievement of economic political objectives which are essential to the national interest of States” (Salimena, 2020, p. 266).

In this work, then, we seek to make a contribution to the field of study by providing a foundation and theoretical framework of an issue that requires new conceptual definitions of the term parliamentary diplomacy, as well as new characteristics. Finally, we will tackle a case study: the parliamentary diplomacy of the Malvinas islands and the role of international humanitarian law in the process of identifying DNA during the conflict in the south Atlantic region.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Salimena, Universidad del Salvador (USAL)

Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales (USAL). Profesor y miembro de la Comisión Asesora del Doctorado en Relaciones Internacionales (IRI, UNLP), Coordinador del Observatorio Universitario de Terrorismo (IRI, UNLP). Estudios posdoctorales realizados en la Universidad de Reggio Calabria (Italia) y en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España).


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Versión taquigráfica de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto del Senado de la Nación. 7 de abril de 2010.



How to Cite

Salimena, G. (2022). Parliamentary diplomacy’s contribution to International Humanitarian Law: The Malvinas case and the DNA of the fallen. International Relations, 31(63), 153.