Investor-State dispute settlement regime: resistance of the relational model in an institutional framework of international relations?


  • Magdalena Bas Vilizzio Universidad de la República (Uruguay) Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay)



Firstly, this paper describes the characteristics of investor-State dispute settlement as an international regime, within a bigger space: foreign investment protection. Secondly, this paper focalises in the regime examination in the light of the institutional model of international relations and it identifies three instances of resistance of the relational model: ICSID withdrawal –Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela-, alternatives to present dispute resolution mechanisms –European Union’s proposal for an investment courts system-, and domestic courts recuperation of the competence of settle disputes with foreign investors –South Africa-.

Key words: Investor-State dispute settlement; international relations; relational model;
institutional model; States


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Author Biography

Magdalena Bas Vilizzio, Universidad de la República (Uruguay) Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay)

Profesora Adjunta de Derecho Internacional Público y Comercio Exterior en la Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Profesora Titular de Derecho del Comercio Internacional en la Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay. Doctoranda en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Investigadora activa del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Uruguay. Miembro del Tribunal Internacional de Arbitraje de la Comisión Administradora del Río de la Plata. E-mail:



How to Cite

Bas Vilizzio, M. (2018). Investor-State dispute settlement regime: resistance of the relational model in an institutional framework of international relations?. International Relations, 27(54), 163–178.


