The Philippines in Argentina's agenda towards East Asia: Chanllenges and opportunities for intra-Asian diversification (2008-2017)


  • M. Florencia Rubiolo CIECS CONICET / UCC
  • Franco Luciano Aguirre CONICET UCC



Philippines, Argentinian foreign policy, trade diversification, international insertion


The Philippines emerge in the Far East as one of Argentina´s recent non-traditional partner, both in the commercial and political dimensions. In this work our general objective is to analyze Argentina's foreign policy and trade relations with the Philippines between 2008 and the present. As specific objectives we will focus on: 1) Analyzing the actions implemented by Argentina on the political and strategic dimensions, 2) Identifying the scientific-academic initiatives, with the participation of governmental and non-governmental actors, in the mentioned period, and 3) Describing and analyzing the flow of commercial exchanges in terms of amounts and composition.

Given that the Philippines is still in a non-priority area of the Argentine external agenda, we will seek to understand how these approaching actions are part of an impulse-led foreign policy, rather than a clear and deliberated strategy of political and economic rapprochement. We arrive to the conclusion that the place of the Philippines on the external insertion of Argentina is still peripheral, despite being part of the East Asian region, a neuralgic area in the commercial and political agenda of the country.


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Author Biographies

M. Florencia Rubiolo, CIECS CONICET / UCC

Doctora en Relaciones Internacionales (UNR) y Especialista en Estudios de Asia Oriental (UNC). Investigadora Adjunta en el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), con lugar de trabajo en el CIECS (Córdoba). Es Profesora Titular de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad Católica de Córdoba y del Seminario de Análisis de Política Exterior Argentina.

Franco Luciano Aguirre, CONICET UCC

Licenciado en Ciencia Política de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC). Becario doctoral de CONICET-UCC. Doctorando en Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales e Investigador Adscripto en la Facultad de C.P. y R.R.I.I. de la UCC. Ex beneficiario del Programa Provincial de Becas para la Formación de Internacionalistas, asignado a la Cámara de Comercio Exterior de Córdoba.



How to Cite

Rubiolo, M. F., & Aguirre, F. L. (2019). The Philippines in Argentina’s agenda towards East Asia: Chanllenges and opportunities for intra-Asian diversification (2008-2017). International Relations, 28(56), 17–36.


