Análisis estructural de la estrategia de inserción internacional del primer gobierno de Cristina Fernández (2007-2011)


  • Alejandro César Simonoff UNLP


The article analyzes the exterior politics during the Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s first mandate in his more structural keys. For them we will describe brief the construction of a triangular structure between Buenos Aires, Washington and Brasilia woven in the last thirty years. The Argentina realized a balance between these two poles, product of the innovations happened in the first democratic government: the realistic draft towards the United States and the politics of cooperation towards the neighbors who allowed looking for margins of maneuver in the international scene. Though during the nineties up to the crisis of 2001, this scheme continued looking, the entail a-critical with the great power and that this was counter weighing the place Brazil, and non attending the search of margins of maneuver. With posteriority to the crisis, the limits followed in diverse planes that were attending so much to the internal as external
demands allowed, not without difficulties and contradictions to return towards the path
of the autonomy.


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How to Cite

Simonoff, A. C. (2013). Análisis estructural de la estrategia de inserción internacional del primer gobierno de Cristina Fernández (2007-2011). International Relations, 22(44). Retrieved from


