The Central American Integration System (SICA) and the protection of human rights




SICA, regional integration, hurman rights, ius standi, pro homie principle, judicial protection


The commitments acquired by SICA regarding the defense of Human Rights are recorded throughout its regulatory and institutional framework, from the founding treaties of Central American integration; the Esquipulas agreements (which raised a renewed vision of the integration model based on democracy and human security), passing through the vast set of rights recognized by the inter-American system that confers jurisdiction to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I / A Court HR) , to include the universal order from the United Nations Organization (UN), reinforcing itself as links of protection and universal justice, in principles that can also be invoked before the Central American Court of Justice (CCJ), because they are part of the own Central American Community Law, although with limitations regarding the specific judicial powers of the CCJ.


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How to Cite

Santana Paisano, D. C. . (2019). The Central American Integration System (SICA) and the protection of human rights . International Relations, 28(57), 217–225.


