Una aproximación conceptual y práctica al fenómeno del terrorismo suicida: El caso de Hezbollah


  • Angélica Alba Cuéllar Internacionalista de la Universidad del Rosario, Magíster en Análisis de problemas políticos, económicos e internacionales del Instituto de Altos Estudios para el Desarrollo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Profesora de Tiempo Completo del Programa de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Coordinadora del semillero de investigación en Análisis de conflictos.


Islamist suicide terrorism is difficult to understand, especially in secularized Western societies, where the most common form of assume it is as a demented act devoid of any form of rationality andrelated to religious fanaticism. However, these actions need an organizational framework, defined goals and a rationality that considers costs and benefits. This article presents an analysis of this phenomenon, from its conceptual and practical dimensions, in the case of Hezbollah, a movement that has resorted to suicide terrorism as a tactical tool in the development of their struggle to achieve political objectives, not only in Lebanon but outside the troubled and volatile Middle East.


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How to Cite

Alba Cuéllar, A. (2014). Una aproximación conceptual y práctica al fenómeno del terrorismo suicida: El caso de Hezbollah. International Relations, 23(46). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/RRII-IRI/article/view/860


