Civil judges’ rol according to the social issuers


  • Cecilia Soledad Carrera Universidad Blas Pascal



legal profession, civil judge, status and social role, social role issuers


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the status and role to the Argentine civil magistracy of the legal sociology, according to different issuing bodies. First of all, the study will focus on the generalities of the concept’s status and professional role. Then the characteristics of the judge as a legal professional will be delimited. Next, the role that legislators, jurists and the Judiciary, as issuers of social paper, will be investigating, according to the position that they occupy. Finally, some of the characteristics extracted from the previous analysis will be exposed.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Soledad Carrera, Universidad Blas Pascal

Sp. in Judicial Law and the Judiciary, Catholic University of Córdoba. Lawyer, Blas Pascal University. Notary Public, Blas Pascal University. Diploma in Human Rights with mention in Citizen Participation, Catholic University of AUSJAL, IIDH and Catholic University of Córdoba. Diploma in Human Rights with mention in Access to Justice, Catholic University of AUSJAL, IIDH and Catholic University of Córdoba. Diploma in Digital Law, Universidad Blas Pascal. Diploma in Management, Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Universidad Blas Pascal. Diploma in Civil Procedural Law, Universidad Blas Pascal. Diploma in Judicial Ethics, Centro de Perfeccionamiento Ricardo C. Núñez, Judicial Branch of Córdoba. Diploma in Research Methodology in the Judiciary, Catholic University of Córdoba. Assistant to the Chair of Political Law, School of Law, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Assistant to the Chair of Real Rights, Universidad Blas Pascal. Professor in Distance Education, Registration Law I, Universidad Blas Pascal. Professor in Distance Education, Notarial Practice, Universidad Blas Pascal. Assistant Clerk in the Civil and Commercial Court, Córdoba Judicial Branch.


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How to Cite

Carrera, C. S. (2022). Civil judges’ rol according to the social issuers. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 19(52), 135.



Sociología Jurídica