Recall in México. Its institutional design. The AMLO case (2022)


  • Maria Laura Eberhardt Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jaureche, CONICET



recall, presidential recall , ratifying plebiscite , Mexico, AMLO case


Since the 1980s, several Latin American countries have carried out constitutional reforms where they adopted the revocation of mandate among other mechanisms of direct democracy. Mexico is so far the last country to incorporate it into its national constitution: it did so in 2019. It is also the fourth to enable presidential revocation and the third to vote for it. During 2021, the president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, promoted a consultation on his own permanence in office, with the underlying intention of ratifying himself in it. Held in 2022, in the midst of deep controversy and with clearly ambiguous results, in this article we intend, first, to analyze its institutional design, in order to elucidate its applicability and possible effects on the presidential regime, and, second, to study the case of application of 10A, to know its real performance and impact, either as a mechanism of citizen control and/or as a potential tool of political manipulation.


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Author Biography

Maria Laura Eberhardt, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jaureche, CONICET

Post-doctorate in Law, University of Buenos Aires, UBA. Doctorate from the Faculty of Law, UBA. PhD in Political Science, National University of San Martín, UNSAM. Master in Political Science and Sociology (FLACSO). BA in Political Science, UBA. Researcher at CONICET, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and at the Arturo Jaureche National University.


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How to Cite

Eberhardt, M. L. (2022). Recall in México. Its institutional design. The AMLO case (2022). Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 19(52), 127.



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