Historical brief study of the first notarial document and its projection in the Civil and Commercial Code


  • Sebastian Justo Cosola Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).Facultad de Derecho,  de la carrera de Escribanía, Universidad Nacional del noroeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNNOBA) y Universidad Notarial Argentina




notarial function, tradition, evolution, codification, technique


The present essay brings together the treatment of two essential stages of the practical development of notarial law, -totally distant in time-, giving them a similar treatment. On the one hand, the birth of notarial science, more than eight hundred years ago -as we know and accept it today- and on the other, the description of documentary law projected in the current Civil and Commercial Code of La Nación. It is also relevant to note how the notarial function has remained unscathed through the centuries, which clearly justifies the reception of classical and traditional institutions in the modern -and innovative- current Argentine codified law.


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Author Biography

Sebastian Justo Cosola, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).Facultad de Derecho,  de la carrera de Escribanía, Universidad Nacional del noroeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNNOBA) y Universidad Notarial Argentina

Lawyer and Notary Public, National University of La Plata (UNLP). Doctor of Law, Austral University. Esp. In documentation and notarial contracting, Universidad Notarial Argentina. Postgraduate in Civil Law, University of Salamanca. Prof. Titular, Adjunct or Associate (undergraduate and Postgraduate) of Notary Law, Contract Law and Ethics of Legal Professions, Law School, University of Buenos Aires (UBA); Faculty of Law, of the Notary Public career, National University of the Northwest of the province of Buenos Aires (UNNOBA) and Argentine Notarial University. Director of the Center for Research Studies on issues of notarial, registry and real estate law.


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How to Cite

Cosola, S. J. . (2020). Historical brief study of the first notarial document and its projection in the Civil and Commercial Code. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 17(50), 052. https://doi.org/10.24215/25916386e052



Derecho Notarial y Registral