Young people, university and educational trajectories

The educational trajectories in the young students of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication of the National University of La Plata




educational trajectories, university, right to higher education


This article deals with the educational trajectories of young university students at public universities, taking as a case study the School of Journalism and Social Communication (FPyCS-UNLP), in the current scenario of higher education in Argentina, focusing on how these trajectories influence the graduation of these young people.

In this framework, a set of questions guide the reflection: what are the educational and social trajectories with which young students arrive at the FPyCS? How is the follow-up for the permanence of these students effective? Is the family and social support important as previous factors of containment, fundamental for the student at the university? What and how are the institutional policies that promote permanence? Are the variables of desertion faced by the student established and analyzed, mainly in the post-pandemic period? How is the questioning of these young people for inclusion in the institution in this new stage of the university? What are their meanings and discourses in relation to the construction of an inclusive academic policy? How do these trajectories influence the students' graduation?

Today we are witnessing an academic and social need in terms of the application and visibility of inclusive policies in public educational institutions with the aim of producing real processes of access, admission, permanence and graduation of young students, especially after these two years in the virtual world due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19. Young people today appear in the post-pandemic social network, with signs of disenchantment, disbelief and fragmentation. It is in this context that they arrive at the university with full awareness of education as a right, but at the same time, marked by a historical-political-economic context that leads to inequality in access to this right and an economy that in many cases is a determinant for non-access or dropout.


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How to Cite

Sidun, A., Viñas, R., Sasso, G., & Cammertoni, M. (2022). Young people, university and educational trajectories : The educational trajectories in the young students of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication of the National University of La Plata. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(14), 101.