The professional skills seen by students in training

A study from the program Early Childhood Education




Initial teacher training, early childhood education, professional skills, teaching conceptions.


The objective of this paper is to analyze the assessment that early childhood education students, give to the competencies associated with the profession. One hundred sixty one students participated, pertaining to an university, that forms part of the Council of Rectors, located in a region of the south central zone of Chile. The data was collected from the application of a questionnaire; the descriptive statistics of the total answers by question were calculated and the opinions of the students of the different levels, were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results show a high valuation of the competencies related to the work in the classroom and a lower valuation to the competencies associated to the management of the school, work with other social organisms and development of educational research. There is also a greater appreciation of competencies in students who are at the beginning of their training process.
Keywords: Initial teacher training, early childhood education, professional skills, teaching conceptions.


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Author Biographies

Marcela Bertoglio Salazar, Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile

Educadora de párvulos, licenciada en educación. Magíster en Currículum y administración educativa. Académica de la facultad Ciencias de la Educación, y directora de la carrera Educación Parvularia, Universidad Católica del Maule.

Labores académicas: Docencia en formación inicial docente en torno a las temáticas: Competencias profesionales del educador/a de párvulos y Desarrollo del lenguaje y Alfabetización inicial.

Proyectos de vinculación con el medio: Capacitación docente 

Antoni Navío Gámez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España

Profesor de Didáctica y Organización Educativa Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Departamento de Pedagogía Aplicada



How to Cite

Bertoglio Salazar, M., & Antoni Navío Gámez. (2019). The professional skills seen by students in training: A study from the program Early Childhood Education. Trayectorias Universitarias, 5(9), 014.