Women’s human rights in the Slaughter of Pando - Bolivia and UNASUR


  • Flavia M. Delmas UNLP


UNASUR, Human rights, Gender violence


This paper analyzes the violation of women's human rights in the slaughter of Pando, Bolivia, which occurred on September 11, 2008, we will concentrate on the case study of Lucia Fatima da Silva. We will also analyze the symbolic construction made on the issue both by technical teams that worked and are still working in that area and by Bolivian political activists. UNASUR as a regional bloc, founded its line of action on the intervention against the slaughter of Pando, we ask to what extent women’s human rights were attended to and if there are limitations and institutional advances that allow for technical and professional monitoring.


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Author Biography

Flavia M. Delmas, UNLP

Periodista. Licenciada en Comunicación Social. Especialista en Integración Latinoamericana. Maestrando de la Maestría de Integración Latinoamericana, IIL, FCJS, UNLP. Doctorado en Comunicación Social, FPyCS, UNLP. Co-fundadora de la Red de Monitoreo de Políticas públicas para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra mujeres. Integrante del equipo de la Secretaría de Género - CTA Nacional. Colaboradora en la investigación “La violencia contra las mujeres: los discursos en juego y acceso a la justicia” ICJ – FCJyS - UNLP. E mail: asaldir69@yahoo.com.ar



How to Cite

Delmas, F. M. (2012). Women’s human rights in the Slaughter of Pando - Bolivia and UNASUR. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (27), 47–72. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/aportes/article/view/3439