XI Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America


  • Alianza Bolivariana Para los Pueblos de Nuestra América


Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America -ALBA-TCP-

XI Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America. 4 and 5 February 2012, Caracas, Venezuela.

Special Declaration on the formation of a Defense Council of Alba.

Final statement. Media.

Framework Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Government of the Republic of Haiti.

Political Declaration. I Meeting of political parties, Movements progressive and revolutionary ALBA-TCP.

Resolution of the Member Countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America on the Arrival as Special Invited Members of Saint Lucia and the Republic of Suriname; And the Ratification of the Republic of Haiti as a permanent guest Member.

Sucre Commitment. Social movements of ALBA-TCP.

Agreement for the constitution of the Economic Area of ​​ALBA-TCP. ALBA Economic Complementation Council.


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How to Cite

Para los Pueblos de Nuestra América, A. B. (2017). XI Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (26). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/aportes/article/view/3449