Regional Integration and Development: Experiences of Local Development in Mercosur


  • Isabel Clemente Batalla Universidad de la República



Development, MERCOSUR, Civil society, Local Institutions, Territory


The association of regional integration and development as the foundation for the organization of integration groups in Latin America has been a constant and recurrent direction in Latin American theory of international relations and foreign policy, even if the models actually implemented reveal different approaches and sometimes even contradictory as to the goals, methods, and agents of development. A line of argument held in Mercosur since the beginning of the third millennium puts forward local development as a model that includes the territorial dimension, and the goals of social development in a process moved by the advancement towards decentralization, empowerment of local communities, and the creation of new links among diverse spatial scales: global, regional, national, and local sub-national. The article examines the scope of the experiences of the model of local development in Mercosur process of integration, in its territorial, socio-economic, and cultural dimensions, and the role played by local initiative. It adopts the concept of “local” not just as a copy in reduced scale of determinants of systemic nature, but as a reality having specific aspects and its own identity, shared values, initiative capacity, and internalized norms.


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Author Biography

Isabel Clemente Batalla, Universidad de la República

Doctora de la Universidad de Londres, Magister en Ciencia Política de la Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. Profesora Agregada en el Programa de Estudios Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la República. Docente de Negociación Internacional en el postgrado en Estudios Internacionales y de los cursos Sistema Internacional y Gobernanza Global en la Licenciatura en Desarrollo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Co-coordinadora con la Profesora María Izabel Mallmann de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río Grande do Sul del proyecto de investigación “Impacto da Agenda Binacional de Cooperação e Desenvolvimiento Fronteiriço sobre as relações entre Brasil e Uruguai”, Programa CAPES-UDELAR, proceso selectivo 2011. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentran: “Cambio y continuidad en la relación binacional Brasil-Uruguay,” en: Malmann, María Izabel, y Scheider, Theresa Cristina (Organizadoras) Fronteiras e Relações Brasil – Uruguai, Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2015, pp. 71-84. “Mercocidades e Integração regional” (en coautoría con María Izabel Mallmann), en Gomes, Joseli Fiorin y Corradi, Rodrigo de Souza (Orgs.) Paradiplomacia em movimiento, Porto Alegre: UniRitter, 2015, pp. 123-136. “De la ′razón de Estado' a la utopía: aproximaciones a El Príncipe de Maquiavelo”, en: Instituto de Historia de las Ideas, Maquiavelo Intemporal en los 500 años de El Príncipe, Montevideo: FCU-Facultad de Derecho, 2015, pp. 197-208.



How to Cite

Clemente Batalla, I. (2018). Regional Integration and Development: Experiences of Local Development in Mercosur. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (39), 1–19.