About the Journal

Scope and approach

"Ayana Revista de Investigación en Turismo" (ISSN: 2718-6717) is a specialized scientific, electronic and semi-annual journal that positions tourism as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon related to the movement of people. In this framework, it seeks to generate a forum for research, reflection and professionalization based on the exchange of the various disciplines related to the field of tourism studies.Its purpose is to become a Latin American and world reference in terms of the dissemination of the results of international scientific research and, at the same time, to promote the exchange between researchers, professionals and students of various disciplines that converge in tourism.


Committed simultaneously in the search for academic quality, ethics and scientific gratuitousness, Ayana is edited by the Instituto de Investigaciones en Turismo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Tourism Research Institute of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata, Argentina).At the same time, it is part of an international scientific committee, according to different regions and realities, in order not only to stimulate scientific rigour but also a broad and open dialogue. Its editorial policy is inspired by the promotion of non-tariff access and production that encourages the free circulation of knowledge generated by the scientific communities but at the same time with a double-blind arbitration system seeking to guarantee a referendum quality.


As for its etymology, the name Ayana is inspired by the term with Sanskrit origin and means travel, movement or displacement; it is also a period of time corresponding to six months, the journey that the sun makes from one solstice to another. That journey or movement also means inner transformation and goal. The term relates to a philosophy that holds that the body was given to us to break with stillness and move from one place to another, which implies at the same time inner growth.

Since the creation of Ayana in 2020, it has been published in digital format, with electronic support provided by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
Since issue number 1 (2021), all materials published in the journal have a unique and permanent identifier (DOI, Digital Object Identifier), a resource provided by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
The journal reserves the right to accept or not the contributions received, following its thematic scope and in compliance with its editorial standards.
The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility.

Scope of contributions

Tourism and Tourism Studies in all its branches and related disciplines (philosophy, anthropology, sociology, history, geography, communication sciences, political sciences, among others). Articles, essays, short communications and reviews in Spanish, English or Portuguese will be accepted, as established by the publication rules. In all cases, they shall be referred.



Biannual (two issues per year), December-May and June-November respectively. However, the accepted articles are immediately edited and made available in the "Online First" section, with the corresponding DOI. These articles are incorporated stably in issues published a posterior.


Section policy

  • Research articles: on the results of scientific research that make an original contribution to knowledge. This type of article aims to discuss a hypothesis or make a novel contribution to the subject from a theoretical point of view.
  • Short communications: articles that contain results of research in progress or that develop a new technique or methodology.
  • Essays: argumentative discussions where a topic of disciplinary interest is presented, approaching the reality of the facts and the knowledge of them.
  • Reviews or critiques of books, journals, theses: Reviews are intended to provide a panoramic and critical view of a work and will be requested by the director, co-director or editorial committee.


Evaluation Process

The journal uses a double-blind system of external peer review to ensure the quality of the papers received. The evaluation process can take between 2 and 4 months. It is governed by the following https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/ayana/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/67

The process begins when the Editorial Committee decides on the admission of the work according to its relevance and compliance with formal aspects. The Committee may reject manuscripts directly without recourse to an external consultation process if it considers them inappropriate for the journal because they lack the required level of quality, because they do not fall within the scope of the publication, for lack of compliance with the guidelines established by the journal or for presenting evidence of fraud. Once sorted this instance the articles are submitted to the consideration of at least two evaluators/external ace/s, convoked/ace especially according to the thematic, and are evaluated under the "double blind" system.This implies that the evaluators will not know the identity of the authors, and vice versa.

In addition, a minimum of 66% of the evaluators will be outside the editorial entity of the Journal. The evaluators/s review the quality of the works according to their conceptual rigour, academic relevance, originality, clarity of exhibition, among other aspects:

At the end of the arbitration, the Editorial Committee is responsible for generating a single opinion on the manuscript, which may be:


  • Publishable: The work is approved without any objection. In this case, the manuscript will be submitted to style correction for its final disposition in the journal;
  • Publicable with revision: The work is publicable, but subject to modifications. In this case, authors will be given a deadline to make corrections. After the deadline, if the authors have not sent the necessary corrections or downloads, the manuscript will not be published. If the final version is approved, it goes to the style correction to be published. If, however, the reviewers consider that the changes are not satisfactory, the manuscript will not be published. This definition is final.
  • Not approved. When the manuscript does not meet the minimum standards of conceptual quality or writing. In this case, it will not be published and may not be sent back for evaluation. The judgment is final.

Once the paper has been accepted, authors will be informed in the issue to be published.

The Journal's secretary will be responsible of the syntax and formal aspects of each paper.

The Institutional Communication Unit of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata is in charge of the layout of the papers for their final version to be published on the Journal's website.