The creation of tourist branding and tourist synecdoche in Zacatlán based on the local depeasantization and the trade of apple products




depeasantization, tourism, Pueblos Mágicos, spatial branding


Depeasantization and economic tertiarization are two notions that show the economic, social and spatial transformation in the traditional conceptions of the rural world from its insertion in the global system. Zacatlán is a rural Mexican community in the center of the country that was awarded Pueblo Mágico status in 2011, as a result of tourism, the implementation, it has left aside the primary activities sector to promote the tertiary one. Tourism has been connected to the production and trade of apple products so that the pair apple-Zacatlán is an essential part of the imaginary of those travelers who visit the town. This article, which was written based on qualitative methods, revealsthe local spatial branding processes that have strengthened the idea of consuming local agricultural products as an essential part of the travel experience and the consumption of local identity are revealed, although it may be negative for local citizens.


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How to Cite

Quintero Venegas, G. J., & Castro Pérez, A. M. P. (2022). The creation of tourist branding and tourist synecdoche in Zacatlán based on the local depeasantization and the trade of apple products. Ayana. Revista De Investigación En Turismo, 2(2), 020.


